Brand Identity
Branding has changed dramatically over the last 20 years and has developed from just a slogan, sign, symbol or design to an element that differentiates your goods or services against that which your competitor offers. Today's brand message is more important than ever in what is a complex world of marketing.
Developing a strong brand involves thinking ahead and implementing a strategy that is going to work for your product or business. Your brand must stimulate your target market and rise above your competition so that the prospects have no problem in thinking that you are almost the sole provider of a solution they need. It also has to stand the test of time.
So what is involved in creating a strong brand? Research, research and more research! Questions, answers, vision, uniqueness and creative development.
Your brand:
must deliver the right message avoiding confusion
must be credible and memorable
must connect with your target audience and prospects
must give confidence to the buyer
must encourage customer and user loyalty
A strong brand will help your business battle the activities of your competitors and is fundamentally vital for your marketing communications activities. In short a strong brand can help grow your business by simply being right from the outset. It is therefore obvious that a weak brand will do the reverse and indeed has taken down many businesses.
At JigSaw Marketing Services, we endeavour to put in as much effort as is required in order that your business will be seen in the right light to the right audience omitting a message that will help your business to grow.
... and you thought it was simples! (Ring any bells?)