The Business Savings Club Ltd

Our Goal is to Help Business Owners

... Make Money & Save Money ...

... No Win - No Fee ...

Founded By Successful Entrepreneurs

The Business Savings Club Ltd

Time waits for No oneĀ
No Win ... No Fee
Phone 07850 936 045

The Business Savings Club Ltd
At last, a Real Business Savings Club that delivers results fast!
Founded by Eddie Tweedie a commercial multi-property owner and successful Serial Entrepreneur of various businesses Eddie says, "I recognise the importance of saving money & making as much profit as possible."
Rod Jamieson joined the Company as a leading Director in 2023 and is himself the owner of several Companies & has a wealth of knowledge & contacts that he (as well as Eddie) introduces to business owners to ensure greater results in Savings and increased profit margins.
Together Eddie & Rod aim to make a real difference to the financial position of business owners & add tremendous value on this basis, that there is no upfront fee & commissions are transparent & must be agreed prior to any work & are payable only on successes of work undertaken!
Today's businesses always need to look at all of their outgoings and make difficult decisions on the actions they need to take to thrive & survive into the future. We have a team of really smart specialist business consultants that we work with and who will assist your FD's & Company Accountants and will do all of the leg work in specialist areas of your business where substantial savings can be made. Call us on 07850 936 045 for an initial free consultancy to see if we can get you funds fast - at no upfront cost or outlay to you!
The Business Savings Club Ltd focuses on your business seeking different ways to make savings which your Accountants are not specialists in! Our objective is not only to reduce your overheads but through targeted specialist routes actually aim to create revenue streams to further reduce your overheads! For example we look at your taxes & offsets to HMRC as well as the opportunities where money may well be due to you in multiple Reclaims areas, R&D claims as well as Renewable Energy solutions - and these new opportunities when realised will pay your legitimate funds owed to you and earned by you, directly into your Business Bank account!
We take a hands-on approach working closely with businesses whilst our experts figure out how to improve the performance of your business. It is not a difficult process for you as our partners do all the work! The Business Savings Club Ltd together with our specialist partners will assist you to immediately get the ball rolling! We let your Accountants do their job whilst we work seamlessly alongside them. Simples! So, where do we go from here? As soon as we can get the information we request following ratification from your professional in your Company, we will then be able to start to make a real difference to your bottom line and your Bank account!
Call Now! 07850 936 045
Investment ... no win ... no fee!
Our services are easily understood and the key business areas we look at are:
- Embedded & / Capital Allowances
- Reclaims
- Energy Tax Relief
- Insurances
- Wills and Trust funds
- Research & Development
- Renewable Energy Installations
- Finance Solutions
Perhaps you want to ask us some questions and if you do our promise is to get detailed answers & explanations back to you quickly & efficiently.
We look forward to chatting with you confidentially & helping you and your business achieve greater results this year. If you require a meeting out of your offices we would be very happy to oblige having a private meeting with you, at a location of your choice.